My Crypto Heroes


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What's Rarity?

Heroes and Extensions have a tier of strength called Rarity. A hero's rarity is expressed in six levels based on feats, achievements, and notoriety.

The original heroes are, in order of rarity, "Legendary", "Epic", "Rare", "Uncommon", "Common", and "Novice".

The original extensions are, in order of rarity, "Legendary", "Epic", "Rare", "Uncommon", and "Common".

--- What's Replica? ---

While there are differences in parameters based on rarity, it also has the potential to defeat the rarity barrier depending on the parameter trends and the combination of extensions.

There is also a special category called "Limited Legendary" for the highest rank. It is treated as a Legendary in the game, but the maximum number of issues is low and the parameters are a little higher.

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