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Voting Power

[2022.6 released]

Based on the decision made by Governance, we transitioned from the former voting system to the Voting Power system.

[August 2022 update]

In accordance with the decision of Governance No. 42, the Cp incentive from voting is no longer available.

You will be awarded "Your Voting Power" / 10 Cp at the time of each season switch.

Example: If you have 10,000 VP at the time of the season switch, you will be awarded 1,000 Cp.

■What is Voting Power?

We use VP as the number of votes for Governance.

The basic concept is: The amount of MCHC you hold *holding period = Voting Power (VP)

The MCHC holdings are targeted within the wallets of the following chains

  • Ethereum

  • Polygon

  • Oasys(L1) [2023.1.23 Addded]

VP is not a token but in-game points.

If you hold any LP token listed below, you get tripled(*1) VP for it.

(*1)[Added 2022.08.10] Changed from 2x to 3x with the passage of Governance No. 42.

  • ETH-MCHC LP on Uniswap

  • ETH-MCHC LP on QuickSwap

  • Matic-MCHC LP on QuickSwap

  • MCHC-WOAS LP on OASYS-Teal Swap [2023.1.23 Added]

Here are some examples.

User A: Have been holding 100 MCHC, pooling 100 MCHC on QuickSwap, and keeping the LP token since 60 days before the voting day.

  • A holding period since 60 days before the voting day is counted for VP accumulation.

    • They have been holding 100 MCHC for 60 days, so 100*60 = 6000 VP

  • LP tokens are doubled when converted to VP.

    • They have pooled 100 MCHC on QuickSwap for 60 days and hold the LP token, so (100*60)*2 = 12000 VP.

    • Actually, it increases and decreases along with daily pool fluctuations, but let's not go into detail here.

User A has 6000 VP + 12000 VP = 18000 VP

  • You don't necessarily have to have MCHC and LP tokens when voting because VP is accumulated.

    • Let's say User A let go of 100 MCHC and the 100 MCHC LP token 10 days before the voting day. In this case, they would have VP that had been accumulated for 50 days(from 60 days before the voting day to 10 days before the day).

    • 100 MCHC they've held for 50 days and 100 MCHC they've pooled on QuickSwap for 50 days would be counted for calculating VP.

    • They would have 15000 VP(100*50 + [100*50]*2 = 5000 + 10000 = 15000) for voting.

In addition, addresses that have burned 100 LP to obtain an MCH Verse Pass will also be considered for VP.

This LP will be converted to 10 times the number of MCHC.

For more information about MCH Verse Pass, please visit this website.

■Proposal Right

Only people who have 1% or more VP of the total VP granted to users can propose.

With 1%, you can make a proposal once per Season.


If needed, you can propose changes of the numbers of this VP system.


  1. Up to how many days are counted for a holding period

  2. LP multiplier

  3. The coefficient in the division VP / 3 = Cp earned


  • We take a snapshot every midnight(UTC).

    • If you buy MCHC after midnight on the voting day, the holding period for it would be zero, which means you can't use it to vote.

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